The Manufacturing Process of Asphalt Shingles
Jun 25, 2024
1 min read
Asphalt shingles are a popular choice for roofing due to their durability and weather resistance. Fasto Roofing Fasto Roofing in Mason, OH, provides an in-depth look at how these shingles are made.

1. Single Membrane
Fiberglass Base: Asphalt shingles begin with a single fiberglass membrane sheet.
Organic Alternatives: Some shingles use materials like wood chips, paper, or cardboard.
2. Hot Asphalt and Limestone Coating
Durability Enhancement: Hot asphalt, derived from petroleum, is applied to the membrane for added strength.
Weather Protection: Fine limestone powder is mixed with the asphalt to enhance weather resistance.
3. Stone Granules
Color and Protection: Crushed stones or pebbles are embedded in the hot asphalt. These granules come in various colors and provide UV protection or prevent algae growth.
Base Layer: A thin sand layer is applied to the base sheet during the granule embedding process.
4. Cutting and Packaging
Cooling Process: Shingles are misted with water to cool them before a sealant is applied.
Sheet Cutting: Shingles are typically cut into 12” x 36” sheets and packaged into bundles based on roof area.
For a detailed explanation of key roofing terms, click here.
Understanding the manufacturing process of asphalt shingles helps homeowners appreciate their roof's durability and performance. Fasto Roofing ensures high-quality installation and maintenance services, reflecting our commitment to excellence. Contact us for more information on our comprehensive roofing solutions.